About this Site

I lost my original .com domain. And while that saddens me greatly, life goes on. I purchased this domain and a few others. I’m trying to figure out what to do with them.

I managed to save many of the posts from my old site. You can find them at silenciobarnes.net – they’re temporarily there until I figure out which of these domains to make the main one.

With that being said, Hi! I’m Silencio Barnes. I write. I’m a writer for hire, and once I was a poet and amateur lyricist 🙂

I’m not sure how I should organize my online properties at the moment. I’m open to suggestions. Currently, I have:

silenciobarnes.website – Which is where you’re at.

silenciobarnes.org – I will make this the site for my writing business.

silenciobarnes.net – The same as my old site. Meaning entertainment posts, my music, poetry, thoughts, etc. A perpetual work in progress.

If you want to send me a message or ask me a question, use the form below. Otherwise, just leave a comment in the comment field at the bottom of the page.

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